Stacey McCall is an Australian artist working in the inner Melbourne suburb of Kensington.
Stacey’s detailed underpainting glows through transparent layers of colour, a muted palette reflecting her love of things earthen and handmade. Patterns and motifs evoke memories and nostalgia for the viewer. Shapes and light keenly observed and captured with gestural intuitive brushstrokes. There is a gentle yet robust quality to her marks, interpreting the ephemera that sits quietly while life whirls around, time passing, children growing older.
After completing a Fine Art degree in Gold and Silversmithing, Stacey spent the next twelve years designing and making bespoke jewellery, eventually opening a small workshop and store. But after the birth of daughter number three her art practice was homeward bound and after daughter number five her creativity was nurtured by knitting, drawing and painting. Now that her daughters are in their teens and beyond, Stacey’s garden studio provides the perfect space to grow her art practice.
For the Autumn months of 2020 she has lived with her family on their walnut farm in The Goulburn Valley. Trees that were planted over 20 years ago are such a measure of time for the artist and the 1970’s farmhouse has provided much inspiration for the work made during this time of isolation.